To provide the best results possible for your clients, you need to understand what products they should be using and why. The best way to do this is to become an Australian Skin Institute expert.
We encourage our stockists to refresh their product knowledge every six months. We find you always pick up something new, and it's a great way to get your staff re-engaged and excited about retailing the Australian Skin Institute. Take the Australian Skin Institute Product Knowledge Course hosted by our friends at the Skin and Beauty Training Centre here.
Let's go through some of the most important steps to ensure your clients consistently see incredible results using the Australian Skin Institute.

Remember you're the expert, and your client is there to be guided by you
If a client comes into your beauty business asking for a product that you know isn't the best for their skin, it's important to recommend the correct product for their specific concern instead.
As an Australian Skin Institute expert, it's up to you to educate your client on what they should be using; your client might say they are using XYZ products at home, but don't assume their current skincare regime is working for them, always ask about their concerns to determine which products best suit their skin concerns and skin type.
Use your expertise and knowledge of the Australian Skin Institute range to educate your clients on why your recommendations will benefit them.

Take advantage of a thorough skin consultation
To make effective skincare recommendations, always begin with a thorough skin consultation. After asking questions about their lifestyle and skincare goals, you will be able to create a complete treatment plan with homecare.
Always explain to your clients that the Australian Skin Institute is a cosmeceutical skincare range, that can penetrate the skin's surface and thus bring about physical changes within the deeper layers of the skin.
Think of it this way: if you were in a car dealership looking for a new car, wouldn't you want to chat with an expert who could guide you toward something that fits your needs and wants? Likewise, taking advantage of a thorough skin consultation allows you to recommend specific products alongside their clinic treatments to ensure your clients get their desired results as quickly as possible.

Have a clear understanding of what ingredients you should be recommending for your client's skin and why
When you recommend a particular product, it is essential to understand what key ingredients will assist with your client's results. When assessing your client, ask yourself:
- Is their skin dehydrated?
- Are they experiencing breakouts?
- Do they have pigmentation?
- Is their skin congested?
- Are they beginning to see the signs of premature ageing?
Once you have identified their skin concerns, you can begin matching up which ingredients will benefit them.

Ask your client what has and hasn't been working for them
If your clients aren't seeing results from what they are using, maybe it's time to change up their routine. Even when a client expresses they already have a complete skincare regime, let them know if you can tell that a different product would further benefit their skin.
Trust us; when clients get the results they want, they will keep coming back. Don't miss that opportunity!

Work with your client's budget but don't be afraid to recommend outside of it
There's no need to push for a hard sell when a client isn't interested. However, if a client talks to you about their concerns and says something like…
"But I only want to spend $50 on product."
Don't be afraid to recommend a product that's a little more expensive. Explain to your client that you want them to see the best results possible. Educate them on how the active ingredients will work in their favour.
A client will be able to tell if you're speaking with confidence, so make sure you're highly knowledgeable in the product you've chosen to recommend. Often the client will end up purchasing - at the end of the day, we all want to see positive results from our skincare.

Make sure you have product on your shelf
The last thing you want is to spend time and effort recommending suitable skincare to a client, only to realise you don't have the product in stock. Not only do you miss a sale, but it's also disappointing for the client. Plus, clients are more likely to pick them up and start asking about them if your products are on display.

By following these steps, you'll soon be a trusted source of information by all of your clients for all things skin. And if you follow these steps consistently, your clients are sure to keep coming back for more.
Don’t forget the Australian Skin Institute is here to help you and your team succeed!
We have a dedicated team of Australian Skin Institute experts ready and waiting to assist you with any of your questions.
Ready to refresh your knowledge? Click here
See our upcoming zoom training sessions here (do we have something I can link to with upcoming dates?)
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